
Below are a collection of lovely tunes, compiled by Brian Miller in 2011 with the goal of having all of our students learn them.  If you come to the family sessions or join an ensemble, these tunes are sure to be played.

(For MP3 and PDF download options, right-click on links.)

All recordings and sheet music by Brian Miller.

MARCH - Dawning of the Day

sheet music
1. Dawning of the Day
slow recording | fast recording

POLKAS - Britches Full of Stitches & Mickey Chewing Bubblegum

sheet music
2.  Britches Full of Stitches in A
slow recording | fast recording
3. Mickey Chewing Bubblegum
slow recording | fast recording

POLKAS - Ina's Polka & Kerry Polka

SINGLE JIG - Off She Goes

SLIDE - Connie Walsh's

HOP JIG - Boys of Ballisadare

SLIP JIGS - Hardiman the Fiddler & Na Ceannabhan Bhana

​sheet music
9. Hardiman the Fiddler
slow recording | fast recording
10. Na Ceannabhan Bhana
slow recording | fast recording 

JIGS - The Connaughtman's Rambles & The Thatcher

​sheet music
11. The Connaughtman's Rambles
slow recording | fast recording
12. The Thatcher
slow recording | fast recording 

REELS - Rolling in the Rye Grass & The Heathery Breeze

​sheet music
13. Rolling in the Rye Grass
slow recording | fast recording
14. The Heathery Breeze
slow recording | fast recording

REELS - Maids of Galway & Anything for John Joe

​sheet music
15. Maids of Galway
slow recording | fast recording
16. Anything for John Joe
slow recording | fast recording

HORNPIPES - The Stack of Wheat & The Stack of Barley

​sheet music
17. The Stack of Wheat
slow recording | fast recording
18. The Stack of Barley
slow recording | fast recording

WALTZ - The Belltable Waltz

​sheet music
19. The Belltable Waltz
slow recording | fast recording