Student Announcements
CLASS & EVENT CALENDAR: Check out the different viewing options (upper right-hand side; by month, list view, photos view) and the filters (left-hand menu; adult classes, youth classes, all classes, events etc). You will find your favorite way to see what CIM is up to! You can find the one-page yearlong view of important CIM dates for the 2024-25 school year!
Student Documents
FINANCIAL AID APPLICATION - Due on August 19th (Fall Term), January 15th (Spring Term), May 15th (Summer/Minnesota Irish Music Weekend)
2024-25 SCHOOL CALENDAR - Download a PDF of important CIM dates for Fall Term 2023. A one-page yearlong view will be published in September.
TECH TIPS FOR ONLINE LESSONS: Visit our google doc here including a handy and quick guide on how to adjust your sound settings on zoom. As you make your daily home schedules, be sure to include Irish music practice. Playing your tunes and singing your songs will help you to feel calm, and “at home” during this unprecedented time of uncertainty.
STAY CONNECTED - Visit this google document to learn about how to stay connected to things at CIM!
WELCOME PACKET - A great place to start for new students, updated for Fall 2023.
Orientation for New Students
The Center for Irish Music welcomes students of any age and level! We love our students and are so happy to have you as a part of our traditional Irish music family. Please take a moment to peruse our website. In addition to information about the CIM, this website includes a wealth of information about the local Twin Cities Irish music scene. Here are some useful online spots, both for admin and music.
- Bookmark this page for student announcements, upcoming dates, performances etc.
- CIM Policies - if you ever need to refer to our policies for private lessons or classes, they are here!
- YOUR student portal! You have a student portal with our online registration system, where you can access your account, see when your lessons are and view your past enrollment. Click on the "Student Portal" link at the upper right-hand corner of every page of our site! Contact us at with any questions.
- CIM Common Repertoire - (under the "Resources" tab). Every few years, we develop an online resource of tunes for our students. This is a great place to learn tunes that your fellow students will know. We have released a 2020 common repertoire!
- Recitals - we hold two recitals a year for all of our students and encourage ALL of you to participate. Our recitals are one of the BEST places to meet new musical friends and families.
- Local Sessions - be a part of the Twin Cities' vibrant tune-playing community by going to listen or play at a session! Don't be shy. . . You may even be able to convince your instructor to go with you—or maybe he or she is already there every week! Former CIM instructor Tom Lockney runs a learner's session at Keegan's pub on Sundays from 4-6pm that many of our students attend.
- Instrument Resources - Find out about our instrument rental program and read a brief overview of where/how to buy Irish traditional instruments and recommendations of local businesses that will help you with repairs. This information comes directly from our instructors - they are your best resource for any instrument-related questions!
- Local Music Competitions & Midwest Fleadh Cheoil pages - for those of you who benefit from the pressure of a good, solid deadine (that is likely most of you)! We highly recommend these opportunities, particularly for under-18 musicians, as a way to improve and increase your enjoyment of the music.